
Verra Makelaars Den Haag

Naast de Nederlandse nationale overheid bevinden ook het gerechtshof, het internationaal strafhof, 115 ambassades en consulaten en meer dan 130 internationale organisaties zich in en rondom Den haag. De Hofstad is een gewenste woon- en werklocatie en onze experts van Verra Makelaars Den Haag helpen u graag bij het kopen, verkopen of verhuren van uw woning. 

[ { "address": "Eisenhowerlaan 116", "zipCode": "2517 KM", "city": "Den Haag" } ]
Bekijk kaart
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Den Haag

Welkom bij Verra Makelaars. Het makelaarskantoor in omgeving Den Haag voor (internationale) woningeigenaren en -zoekers in de regio. Bij ons geen automatische mails of vragenlijsten, maar een persoonlijk belletje met de collega die u het beste kan helpen. 

Neem contact op

Verra Makelaars Den Haag
Den Haag
Eisenhowerlaan 116
2517 KM Den Haag
+31 (0) 70 346 2131
reviews carrousel

Wat onze klanten zeggen


Fantastic service. Nick made our relocation to Rotterdam fantastically smooth... he's by far the best real estate agent we dealt with. He listens and does a fabulous job of representing you, the tenant (in our case), and proactively anticipating any issues and handling them. We loved our experience with him, so much so that we are going to ask him to help us with our next step, buying. Highly recommended.

Linda Ricci Jacobs - renting

It was a fantastic experience to work with Verra. Despite being in another country the whole time we had their support, we had "0" problems throughout the whole procedure. We understood how lucky we were to have them after coming to the Netherlands and finding out how hard it is to find a proper house. My special thanks to Pien!

Onur Bilgin - renting

Verra Makelaars have helped us to manage our property in The Hague since 2010, during which time we never had an issue. I would like to thank them for the many years of service in renting out and eventually helping us to sell our house. They are an authentic customer service orientated team that go the extra distance to help their clients. I wish the team continued success!!

Mark Liebster - selling

Very professional and efficient company. As a first time buyer were really patient, helpful, caring and adapted quite fast to any changes brought up. Phenomenal understanding of English, which is a good thing for foreigners. Would recommend this agency for anyone and will use it again if needed!

Vladislavs Marmizovs - buying

We had a fantastic experience with Luna! She went above and beyond to help us find a wonderful rental apartment. Luna was incredibly responsive, patiently answered all our questions, and acted as an excellent liaison between us, the owners, and the current tenants. We are extremely grateful for her support and would highly recommend both Luna and the company to anyone looking for very good service. Thank you, Luna, for making this such a positive experience !

Rigas Rafail Filippou - letting

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