Verra Makelaars in The Hague
Besides the Dutch national government, the court of justice, the international criminal court, 115 embassies and consulates and more than 130 international organizations are located in and around The Hague. The ‘Hofstad’ is a desirable place to live and work, and our experts at Verra Makelaars The Hague will guide you in selling, buying or letting your home.
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The Hague
Welcome at Verra Makelaars. The real estate agency in The Hague area for (international) homeowners and home seekers in the region. No automated emails or questionnaires, but a personal call to the colleague at our office who can help you best.
Contact us

The Hague
Eisenhowerlaan 116 2517 KM The Hague |
+31 (0) 70 346 2131 | | |